A Day in the Life of a Mater Academy Preparatory student:

Morning Meeting: This meeting is with their grade-level teacher.  It is a great time to get to know each student, review classroom expectations, follow up with inquiry and intervention for content, and implement daily Social-Emotional Learning strategies and skills. Students will have morning meetings each morning before diving into their content classes or elective classes.  Students will learn soft skills such as time management, conflict resolution, and communication skills to help them throughout their educational career.  Teachers may also use this time for Math or Reading intervention, small group instruction, or check-ins with students. 

Content Classes: Students will learn Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts through a student-centered, collaborative lens so that they each feel supported to reach their highest potential.  Students will receive multiple chances to show their mastery of a subject and if they are struggling, intervention plans will be set in motion so that everyone feels comfortable to make a mistake and be successful! Teachers will use a variety of differentiated strategies to engage each learner in the core classes. Teachers have the ability to move their classroom furniture around so that it best suits the learning happening each and every day. 

Lunch and Recess: Students will have a chance to purchase nutritious, catered meals in our dining hall or pack their lunch while spending time with staff and their peers before going out to the playground to relax and recharge. Students will receive 30 minutes for lunch and 30 minutes for recess each day.  If the weather does not permit to go outside, students will still have recess in their classrooms each day. Our dining hall also includes our book vending machine! This was gifted to us by our charter sponsor, Ohio Council for Community Schools. Students will have chances to earn tokens to "buy" a book from the vending machine throughout the year. 

Arts Elective: Students will receive instruction in Physical Education, Music, and Art classes throughout the year.  Each student will be exposed to instruments starting in Kindergarten. 

Educational Philosophy of Mater Academy Preparatory


Geared at increasing learning opportunities and raising the academic achievement of all its students by:

-Providing a rigorous curriculum, consistent with effective teaching strategies, that incorporates the state standards.

-Delivering increased learning opportunities for all students, within a high-quality learning environment.

-Implementing mechanisms to continuously monitor, evaluate, and improve both curriculum and teaching strategies to achieve academic proficiency.

-Utilizing a methodology wherein student assessment results will offer opportunities for differentiated and targeted instruction, leading to consistently increasing student achievement outcomes.

-Providing opportunities for the active involvement of students, families, and community partners in the educational process.

-Supplementing and enhancing studies through a high-quality curriculum and extra-curricular activities promoting the development of the child’s future in the global society.

-Striving to meet the learning needs of the students by delivering effective lessons through inquiry-based teaching strategies and differentiated instruction.”

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